Important Notes Regarding Shipments Outside the United States, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand

International Shipping Powered by GlobalShopEx

We have partnered with GlobalShopEx to service customers with addresses outside of these locations.

After adding the items to your basket and clicking the Checkout button, you will arrive at the page at which you will enter your address information. Below the country selector, click the Country not listed? Click here to checkout link. You will be redirected to our International Checkout page, which will load your cart contents and allow you to complete the checkout with our partner, GlobalShopex.

Upon completion of your order, GlobalShopEx will charge your credit card for the entire purchase. We will ship the goods to their Distribution Facility where they will process the order and transport the goods to your international address.

Once your order is completed, order status questions should be directed to GlobalShopex at [email protected] or 786-391-4868.

Please note that the vast majority of our products are designed for use with 120V AC and come with a plug that is standard for North America. Use outside of this area will typically require an adapter and convertor, which are not items that we supply.

Important Notes Regarding Shipments to Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and APO/FPO Addresses


When shipping to addresses in these locations, we can ONLY ship to your billing address.

Because U.S. based automated address verification systems do not always work with international addresses, we may require additional information. We will contact you via email if this is necessary.

Tariffs, Duties, Fees

Customs, Brokerage Fees, Tariffs, and other charges may apply and be due upon receipt of your item. These fees are not included in the amount Train Sets Only collects from you. Please check with the carrier you would like to use prior to placing your order.

These charges are payable by you. If you fail to pay upon delivery and Train Sets Only is billed by the carrier, Train Sets Only will charge the credit card used at the time you placed your order.

Train Sets Only will in no way be responsible for these charges or those incurred due to your refusal. Any refusal of shipment will result in a charge to your credit card to cover any related loss on the part of Train Sets Only.

Defective Merchandise

While defects are not common they sometimes do occur. Defective items are to normally be handled directly with the manufacturer.

If you have trouble contacting or otherwise resolving the issue with the manufacturer, please contact us for assistance.

If it is necessary to return merchandise to us, we will issue you a return authorization. You are responsible for all return shipping charges and original shipping charges are non-refundable.


Shipping charges for shipments to these locations are completely non-refundable under any circumstances, including defective merchandise.

Delays of international shipments are not uncommon. Train Sets Only cannot be held responsible for such delays. The order and transaction is considered complete upon the merchandise being taken into possession by the shipping carrier (FedEx, USPS, UPS, etc.). Once shipped, an order cannot be cancelled. Any refused shipments will result in additional charges to your credit card to cover the cost of the return shipment.